Similarly, to initiate a full site wide synchronization, you can create a zero KB file named FULL.SYN in the same location. To manually initiate a delta site wide synchronization, you can create a zero KB file named SELF.SYN in the Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Inboxes\ directory on the central administration site or standalone primary site server. The following are logged in WsyncMgr.log: When synchronization starts (either on schedule or manually), WSyncMgr creates status message ID 6701 to indicate that the WSUS synchronization has started.
Read SUPs from SCF for SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGERįound active SUP from SCF File. All additional SUPs are configured as replicas of the first SUP. WSyncMgr first synchronizes the SUP that was installed as the first SUP in the site and then synchronizes the remaining SUPs.
#Sups dark ro update
WSyncMgr then reads the list of software update points (SUPs) from the site control file (SCF). Performing sync on local request SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER
Wakeup by inbox drop SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGERįound local sync request file SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER SND: Dropped E:\ConfigMgr\inboxes\\SELF.SYN SMS_DATABASE_NOTIFICATION_MONITOR RCV: UPDATE on Update_SyncStatus for SyncNotif_WSyncMgr SMS_DATABASE_NOTIFICATION_MONITOR Update Update_SyncStatus set SyncNow = null where SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode() Update Update_SyncStatus set SyncNow = 'SELF' where SiteCode = dbo.fnGetSiteCode() This triggers SMS Database Notification Monitor (SMSDBMON) to place a SELF.SYN file in, and this awakens WSyncMgr and initiates synchronization.ĮxecMethodAsync : SMS_SoftwareUpdate::SyncNow SMS Provider This method updates the Update_SyncStatus table in the site database and sets the value of SyncNow to SELF. When synchronization is initiated manually from the console, WSyncMgr is notified to initiate a sync by executing the SyncNow method in the SMS_SoftwareUpdate WMI class. Performing sync on regular schedule SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER Wakeup for scheduled regular sync SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER The following are logged in WSyncMgr.log: When synchronization is initiated on a schedule, WSUS Synchronization Manager (WSyncMgr) wakes up on the configured schedule and initiates synchronization. The synchronization process at the top-level site performs the following steps: Step 1: Software updates synchronization starts either manually or on a schedule
#Sups dark ro windows
At the top-level site you can specify a synchronization source other than Microsoft Update, such as an existing Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) computer that's not in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. This criteria is specified only at the top-level site. The software updates synchronization process at the top-level site contacts Microsoft Update and retrieves software update metadata that meets the criteria specified in the Software Update Point Component properties. Synchronization on central administration site or standalone primary site
When synchronization is complete at each primary site or secondary site, a site-wide policy is created that provides to client computers the location of the software update points. When Configuration Manager finishes software updates synchronization at the top-level site, software updates synchronization starts at child sites, if they exist. The top-level site (central administration site or stand-alone primary site) synchronizes with Microsoft Update on a schedule or when you manually start synchronization from the Configuration Manager console. Software updates synchronization in Configuration Manager connects to Microsoft Update to retrieve software updates metadata.